Sunday, March 24, 2013

Harley Davidson

Question 1:
I believe brand communities like Harley Davidson result in greater involvement with the brand because the brand creates events such as the Posse Ride to help riders engage with one another. By having events like these, riders can share their Harley experiences with one another. For example, car drivers would also get together with others who drive the same car and talk about what they did with their cars and what not. These gatherings or meets will not only bring people closer but they also give the drivers a sense of pride in what they are driving or what they have done. Basically, the brand they are driving is not just a car or a motorcycle, but part of their life.

Question 2:
I believe the experiences and the memories that are shared during the Posse Ride are the main elements that enhance the meaning of the brand for riders. The experiences and the memories are the main elements because sharing a trip with others is both meaningful and personal. So by having trips like that with other drivers, the drivers will develop a sense of connection within the Harley community, almost like Harley Davidson is not only a brand but a family.

Question 3:
I think Harley Davidson's involvement is good where is it because having gatherings and checkpoints are already enough. Harley Davidson wouldn't want to get more involved because then that would seem like the Posse Ride is a task and not a fun and relax ride.

Question 4:
In addition to the Posse Ride, I think Harley could hold several races and also create "marathon" rides but let the riders create routes that they want to go.

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