Monday, April 15, 2013

Nostalgia Marketing

Nostalgia marketing can be a tricky marketing strategy to use but if used correctly, it can bring products back into the market just like the old times. Nostalgia marketing is to bring old school memories back to the public. Some of the major advantages of this marketing strategy are reliving the history and knowing for sure that if advertised correctly the product will capture the consumers' attention once again. Nostalgia marketing is all about reminiscing memories and reliving the history. Sometimes people purchase a certain product just because it reminds them of a certain time in their life. For example, I can purchase a Michael Jackson record that is totally old school and I might even have to find a record player to play the disc; however I will still buy the record because it reminds me the times when Michael Jackson was the best singer. The product might be old, but it's the memories that the product brings that causes the consumers to have the desire to buy such product. Another advantage of using nostalgia marketing is sellers will often know beforehand whether their product will sell or not. For example, combat boots and military styles were considered a classic but they were not always in fashion. So taking advantage of these classic styles, designers and advertisers reintroduced the market to these styles with trendier shoes and clothing that were based on the old school designs in the last few seasons. This is Nostalgia marketing because if done right products that the companies roll out will always be a hit.

Using nostalgia marketing is not always the best strategy because it can have its disadvantages. First of all, thinking of how to bring back a certain product from the old times is hard, companies have to think about the target consumers and what the product has that the consumers can relate to. Second, not all products can utilize this strategy because this strategy only works on product that most people in the society is familiar with. 

There are some products and companies out there in the market that nostalgia marketing might not be the strategy to use when promoting. For example, technology companies such as Apple and Samsung will not benefit from nostalgia marketing because people are constantly hungry for new technologies. This is because people are always expecting whatever product that comes out next to be better and faster than the current version. It is such expectations that these companies cannot replay the history because they have to keep moving forward in order to meet the society's demand.

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