Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Booze Belt

Booze Belt Radio Ad
Setting: Tim and Maria are responsible for the drinks at a party. While Tim is sweating from putting out drink orders, Maria appears calm and collected. 

SFX [Party scene in the background, people asking for drinks]

Diane: (interested) Maria, you are so calm and collected compared to Tim over there. He keeps running back and forth to the kitchen and looks tired

SFX [Tim let me get a vodka tonic. I want a Manhattan!. Tim! Tim! Tim!]

SFX [CRASH glasses and bottles smashing]

Maria: (excited) Haha throwing successful parties is so easy since I am using the Booze Belt.

Diane: (quizzical) Booze Belt, what is that?

Tim: Maria! Help!

Maria: (As she is making drinks) It is this belt that I am wearing right now. I can carry bottles of alcohol, napkins, cocktail shakers, lemons, and anything else you might need for refreshments. All while maintaining a conversation.

Diane: Wow that is so amazing! You seem to be enjoying yourself a lot more than Tim is. Oh look at that it is time for me to get another drink, I’ll be right back.

Maria: Wait! That is why I have the Booze Belt!

Diane: Thanks, Cheers!

SFX [Maria and Diane’s glasses clink together]

Commentator: If you are constantly throwing parties and find yourself running and out of breathe like Tim, you should buy the Booze Belt and entertain with ease. The Booze Belt can be found online at or in your local supermarket. 

Setting: Inside a bar, Maria and Tim are competing against each other to see who is the best bartender.

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